FlowBased Domain Calculators

Calculator jobs can be started by api. To start a POST request to /api/job/start/ with JSON payload:

    'zone': 'zone_to_calculate',
    'scenario': 'no_iva/no_amr/no_lta/None', # defaults to None
    'scenario_on': 'zone_to_apply_scenario_on' # defaults to 'all'
    'T_from': 'start_timestamp', # format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
    'T_to': 'end_timestamp', # format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M,
    'max_bex': {'from': 'zone_from', 'to': 'zone_to'} # this is optional, when not specifying maxbex, minmax NP will be calculated
To get a status update and eventually the results send a GET request to /api/job/fill_in_your_job_id/
Other details are provided in the returned data which should be self explanatory.
There are two limitations: you can not start a job with more then 30 days in one go and you can only have one job active per ip at any given time.